Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Tutorial How To Root Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

ROOT is access to the Super User in Linux (Android is its kernel-based Linux OS). Root privileges are granted to users with the highest level, klo in Windows may be the same as the Administrator.

The equipment required for root Galaxy Tab:

1. TabRootEasy

2. Driver Samsung Tab 10.1

Download if you have never installed or driver samsung Kies other tabs.

Once you download TabRootEasy, which extract wrote in a folder, after that if you have not installed then install the driver tab 10.1 first.

Step by step tutorial Root Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1:

1. Turn off your galaxy tablet.

2. Once off, press the power button and volume down buttons simultaneously, and after samsung logo came off press the power button and keep the volume down button.

3. Android two icons will appear and press the volume up, you will be given prompt and press the volume up it will look lagi.Setelah android logo to read "Downloading", let it be.

4. connect your galaxy tab to your computer / laptop using a data cable.

5. Open the folder where you extract tabrootEasy earlier, and run Odin.

6. Click the PDA, then select the MD5 file in the folder tabrooteasy before, and once selected click START.Proses loading will appear and allow it to finish.

7. Once the process is complete, you can unplug your data, and select a device reboot, let the flame of your tab.

8. After the flame, connect again the tab to your computer, and now copy files from folder tabrooteasy Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_10.1_root.zip to memory / sdcard your tab (anywhere).

9. When finished, unplug your data, now turn off the tab.

10. Once off, press the power button and volume down buttons simultaneously.

11. You meet again with 2 icons android, but this time press the volume down, and continue with the volume up.

12. You are now entering into bootlader mode, now select "apply update from / sdcard" (use the volume up / down to move the cursor and the power button to select the menu).

13. Now select the file "Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_10.1_root.zip" that you copied earlier, and after being elected would be no sign of sukses.sekarang reboot your android device.

14. Completed.

now you have succes to root galaxy tab

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