Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Live Profile = BBM Killer | applikasiandroidku.blogpspot.com

Smartphone Competition is increasing. Android with application support etc evolving,blackberry with a speed of message delivery and is supported by the BlackberryMessenger, with his charisma as a smartphone iphone apple logo, Nokia and other smartphones.

If there is Blackberry Messenger on the Blackberry, which is reserved for Blackberry users. We do not need to worry, because now there is Live Profile application, which brings together application smartphone users. This application is lightweight and easyand fast, like the Blackberry Messenger. Also equipped with a PIN, so if you want toshare and be connected with PIN

For those of you who do not have a Live account Profile, downloads on the market (for users android), Blackberry App (for Blackberry users), etc.

Add PIN Live My Profile ==> LPNGHD9E

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