Minggu, 08 April 2012

Milky Way v0.2 APK

Milky Way v0.2 APK
Required : Android 2.0.1+

Travel through galaxies and be amazed by this epic 3D space adventure !

Milky Way v0.2 play.google.com.milkyway.gfsf
Travel through galaxies and be amazed by this epic 3D space adventure!Embark on this epic 3D adventure and meet Moo, our lovely heroine. Help Moo to travel through space collecting star power trying to discover the mysteries behind Baby Moo's disappearance.

Boost Moo's jetpack to travel from planet to planet using physics from their orbits at your favor. Collect all stars from each level as fast as possible and be amazed by surprises and plot twists each galaxy.

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