Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Metro [New User Interface for Android]


What you need for this:
-Android Phone
-Beautiful Widget (or similiar)
-Simple Calendar Widget (or similiar)

Setup Screen 1:
Go to the ADW Launcher Settings and change the Grid size to "5x7" and disable the dock.
After that, set "Multipicture Livewallpaper" as your Background with the following settings: Make 3 Custom settings and select fo each the Metro Wallpaper (they're numbered) and set Cropsize to "Fit Screen" and set the transition type to "none". Set it as Wallpaper.

On your Homescreen you should make 3 Screens. The Screen on the very left is your default Screen. Go to this Screen and put over the green/yellow and blue bar 3 Desktop Visualizer Widgets wich should have the size "5x1". Tap on each of them and set them up (Phone/ SMS/ Web) and change the picture to the transparent wich is included in the Metro Files.

For the Appdrawer you have to make 5 Custom Shortcuts with ADW, select Launcher Actions and then Appdrawer. You can delete the Shortcut name and change the icon to transparent.

(If you want, you can set over the site lettering also icons with this method for the next screen, all you have to do is creating a Launcer Shortcut and Select the Screen number)

Now you can add a Weather/Clock Widget, I've chosen Beautiful Widget (Super Clock).

Setup Screen 2:
This one is easy, just select your Favorite Apps and place them on the grey bars. Now you can change the Icons of them if you want...

I've placed also a weather predicition there and google search widget. You can put the same in there or choose another Widget.

Setup Screen 3:
You can put your favorite Schedule Widgets on there. I've chosen "Simple Calendar widget" and "Pure Grid Calendar widget"

That's all!

Best Regards


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